Drawing Procedures

The Massachusetts State Lottery offers the following draw games: The Numbers GameMass CashMegabucksLucky for Life Mega Millions and Powerball . With the exception of the multi-state games (Mega Millions, Powerball, and Lucky for Life) which are drawn out-of-state, all Massachusetts’ drawings are conducted in secure studios at Lottery facilities in Dorchester, Massachusetts and Braintree, Massachusetts.

The Mega Millions drawing is conducted by the Georgia Lottery at WSB-TV in Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday and Friday at 11:00 p.m. ET.

The Powerball drawing is conducted by the Florida Lottery at Florida Lottery Studios, Tallahassee, Florida on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 10:59 p.m. ET.

The Lucky for Life drawing is conducted by the Multi-State Lottery Association (MUSL) 7 days a week at 10:38 p.m. ET.

Drawing Procedures
The Numbers Game Drawing Procedures
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The Numbers Game Drawing Machine

The Numbers Game is drawn twice a day, seven days a week. The midday Numbers Game drawing occurs daily at approximately 2:00 p.m. with bets able to be placed until pools close at 2:00 p.m. The evening Numbers Game drawing occurs daily at approximately 9:00 p.m. with bets able to be placed until pools close at 9:00 p.m.

There are three (3) ball sets used for the midday and evening drawings. For each drawing, the Lottery randomly selects one (1) ball set to use for the drawing. Additionally, the Lottery randomly selects the starting location for the ball set. Lottery staff follow the rules and procedures to conduct the drawings to the highest integrity in view of an independent witness (non-Lottery employee). The Lottery employees and witness verify the winning numbers and sign the drawing certificate to validate its accuracy.

Prior to the drawings, the drawing balls are weighed, and a minimum of three (3) tests are performed to ensure all the equipment is in proper working order. All the tests are completed before the drawing. The final results are published on the Numbers Game page.

Mass Cash Drawing Procedures
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Mass Cash is drawn daily at approximately 9:00 p.m. with bets able to be placed until 9:00 p.m. 

There are three (3) ball sets used for the drawings. For each drawing, the Lottery randomly selects one (1) ball set to use for the drawing. Additionally, the Lottery randomly selects the starting location for the ball set. Lottery staff follow the rules and procedures to conduct the drawings to the highest integrity in view of an independent witness (non-Lottery employee). The Lottery employees and witness verify the winning numbers and sign the drawing certificate to validate its accuracy.

Prior to the drawings, the drawing balls are weighed, and a minimum of three (3) tests are performed to ensure all the equipment is in proper working order. All the tests are completed before the drawing. The final results are published on the Mass Cash page

Megabucks Drawing Procedures
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Megabucks is drawn on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at approximately 9:00 p.m. with bets able to be placed until 9:00 p.m.

There are three (3) ball sets used for the drawings. For each drawing, the Lottery randomly selects one (1) ball set to use for the drawing. Additionally, the Lottery randomly selects the starting location for the ball set. Lottery staff follow the rules and procedures to conduct the drawings to the highest integrity in view of an independent witness (non-Lottery employee). The Lottery employees and witness verify the winning numbers and sign the drawing certificate to validate its accuracy.

Prior to the drawings, the drawing balls are weighed, and a minimum of three (3) tests are performed to ensure all the equipment is in proper working order. All the tests are completed before the drawing. The final results are published on the Megabucks page.

Lucky for Life Drawing Procedures
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Lucky for Life drawings are held 7 days a week at 10:38 p.m. ET in Iowa. Results for each drawing are posted on the Lucky for Life page.

Mega Millions Drawing Procedures
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Mega Millions drawings are held Tuesday and Friday at 11:00 p.m. ET. Drawings are held at WSB-TV in Atlanta, Georgia. Results for each drawing are posted on the Mega Millions page.

Click here for more Mega Millions information.External Link Icon

Powerball Drawing Procedures
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Powerball drawings are held Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at Florida Lottery Studios, Tallahassee, Florida at 10:59 p.m. ET. The numbers are drawn in the presence of multi-state lottery draw officials, an independent auditor, and a security official. The draw equipment is kept in a double-locked alarmed vault. The balls sets are also sealed by the auditors and all events are audio and video recorded when the vault is opened. The equipment is tested regularly (measurements, X-ray and statistical tests for non-random behavior). The live drawings are also open to the public. The whole process takes about two hours. Results for each drawing are posted on the Powerball page.

Click here for more Powerball Information. External Link Icon

Keno Drawing Procedures
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Keno drawings take place seven days a week from 5:04 a.m. to 1:01 a.m. The drawings take place approximately three (3) minutes apart. A computer-driven, random number generator will select the winning numbers for each drawing. The random number generator will only select winning numbers after receiving confirmation from the Lottery's computer system that betting for that drawing has been closed.

There are two computer systems involved in a Keno drawing. The primary computer takes all bets. Attached to this main computer is a random number generator that is constantly shuffling 80 numbers around. Once the betting is closed, the primary computer asks the random number generator for 20 numbers. At that moment, the primary computer knows the 20 winning numbers and graphically displays them on the Keno monitors at agent locations.

The random number generator is independent of the primary computer and has no way of determining which bets the primary computer accepts. The sole purpose of this generator is to continuously shuffle numbers and provide the primary computer with a set of winning numbers when asked.

The Wheel of Luck Drawing Procedures
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The Wheel of Luck drawings take place seven days a week from 5:02 a.m. to 12:58 a.m. The drawings take place approximately four (4) minutes apart. A computer-driven, random number generator (RNG) selects the winning number after receiving confirmation from the Lottery's Central Gaming System (CGS) that wagering for that drawing has been closed. 

Once wagering is closed, the Central Gaming System sends a request to the random number generator for one number. Once the request has been fulfilled, the Central Gaming System graphically displays the winning number it received, whether the number is odd or even, and whether the number is black or red on The Wheel of Luck monitors at agent locations. 

The random number generator is independent of the Central Gaming System and cannot determine any wagers that the Central Gaming System accepts. The sole purpose of this random number generator is to draw a random number between 1 and 36 inclusive.